Although I have lost 2.1 kgs (4.6 pounds) this week and dropped my BMI by 0.8 my body fat percentage has increased by 1.1 to 56.6% and my skeletal muscle percentage has dropped 2.0 to 18.7%. My visceral fat remains the same at 13 and I can’t measure my waist having lost my tape measure (I’ve just ordered a multi-pack of them, so hopefully this won’t happen again). Update: I’ve found my tape measure and sadly haven’t lost a smidgen on my waistline.
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So it looks as though the weight loss has been water and muscle. The water loss is noticeable around my ankles, but the muscle loss is disappointing. I am however now in ketosis, with a reading of 3.1, so hopefully, if I maintain a ketogenic state the fat burning can begin in earnest. This coming week I will try to increase my protein intake through green juices and beans, and increase the amount of exercise, specifically weight-bearing exercise to see if I can stop the muscle loss for future weeks.

Ketosis is the state where the body is using ketones for fuel rather than carbs. If your blood sugar is at normal levels this is completely healthy, if however you have high blood sugar levels and are in ketosis, this is a life-threatening emergency called ketoacidosis and generally only happens to type 1 diabetics, or some type 2 diabetics who are on certain drugs that can cause this as a side effect. My blood glucose reading this morning is a very healthy 4.5, so I have no worries about ketoacidosis.

That is perhaps the biggest win from this week. My morning blood glucose reading has dropped from 7.5 to 4.5, which is pretty awesome!